#100399 Letteratura Italiana Opere

Giovanni Sabadino degli Arienti. A literary career.

PublisherOlschki Ed.
Date of publ.
SeriesColl. Istituto nazionale di studi sul Rinascimento - Quaderni di «Rinascimento», 32.
Details cm.17x24, viii-162 pp., Coll. Istituto nazionale di studi sul Rinascimento - Quaderni di «Rinascimento», 32.
AbstractTraditionally regarded as a writer as prosaic as he was prolific, the literary reputation of the Bolognese, Giovanni Sabadino degli Arienti (died 1510), the author of Le Porretane and some twelve other works, has recently been undergoing re-examination.ThTraditionally regarded as a writer as prosaic as he was prolific, the literary reputation of the Bolognese, Giovanni Sabadino degli Arienti (died 1510), the author of Le Porretane and some twelve other works, has recently been undergoing re-examination.Th.
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See also...

9788822250667-The Letters of Giovanni Sabadino degli Arienti (1481-1510).
The Letters of Giovanni Sabadino degli Arienti (1481-1510).
Olschki Ed.
2002, cm.18x25,5, 302 pp. con 1 tav. f.t., Coll. Italian Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 8.
41.00 36.90