#10190 Arte Pittura

I pittori italiani del Rinascimento.

CuratorTraduz. di Emilio Cecchi.
Date of publ.
SeriesColl. Universale Sansoni.
Details cm.11x17, pp.301,(3), 32 tavv. in bn.f t., brossura Coll. Universale Sansoni.
ConditionsUsato, buono
NoteCopertina brunita.
EUR 9.90
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See also...

I pittori italiani del Rinascimento.
Sansoni - The Phaidon Press
1957, cm.19x26,5 pp.XV,220,16 tavv.a col.ft. applic.e 400 ill.in bn.nt., legatura ed.in tutta tela,titoli in oro al dorso.
#58052 copies
Italian Pictures of the Renaissance. A list of principal artists Venetian School and their works with an index of places. Vol.II.
1957, cm.19x27, pp.XIV-206,46, 705 tavv.bn.nt. legature editoriali in tutta tela,soprac.fig.
#8536Last copy
Italian Pictures of the Renaissance. A list of the principal Artists and their works with an index of places. Central Italian and north Italian school.
1968, 3 volumi, cm.19x27, pp.XXVI,534, 1988 ill.molte a p.pag. e 3 tavv. a c legatura ed.in tutta tela, sopracc.figg.
#8537Last copy
The letters between Bernard Berenson and Charles Henry Coster.
Olschki Ed.
1993, cm.17x24, pp.XX,340, 9 ill.bn.ft. legatura ed. sopracop.
#21274Last copy
74.00 56.00