#1231 Arte Pittura

Iconography of the Saints in Italian Painting. Vol.I:Iconography of the Saints in Tuscan Painting. pp.637, 1185 ill.bn. Vol.II:Iconography of the Saints in central and south italian Painting. pp.XXXII-714, 1380 ill.bn. Vol.III:Iconography of the Saints in the Painting of the northeast Italy. pp.XXX-672, 1441 ill.bn. Vol.IV:Iconography of the Saints in the Painting of north west Italy. pp.XX-430, 958 ill.bn.

PublisherCasa Ed.Le Lettere.
Date of publ.
Details4 volumi. cm.22,5x32, legature editoriali sopracoperte figg.a col. [copia alla stato di nuovo].
ConditionsUsato, come nuovo
EUR 1,560.00
EUR 750.00
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9788871667775-Iconography of the Saints in the North East Italy.
Iconography of the Saints in the North East Italy.
1978, cm.22,5x32, pp.XXX,1342, 1441 figg.bn.nt. legatura editoriale in tutta tela, con sopracoperta figurata a colori.
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