#137288 Arte Saggi

Dipinti e sculture in una raccolta toscana secoli XIV-XVI.

CuratorCon schede di Ada Labriola e Angelo Tartuferi.
PublisherCentro Di.
Date of publ.
Details cm.23x30, pp.100, num.figg.bn.e a col.nt. legatura ed.soprac.fig.a col.
ConditionsUsato, come nuovo
EUR 34.90
#137288Last copy
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9788870380958-The Martello collection. Paintings, drawings and miniatures from the XIVth to th
The Martello collection. Paintings, drawings and miniatures from the XIVth to the XVIIIth centuries.
Centro Di
1985, cm.22x29, pp.179, num.ill.bn.e col.nt. legatura ed.in tutta tela, soprac.fig.a col.
36.00 22.00
9788870382235-The Martello collection. Further paintings, drawings and miniatures 13th-18th ce
The Martello collection. Further paintings, drawings and miniatures 13th-18th century.
Centro Di
1992, cm.22x29, pp.206, num.ill.e tavv.bn.e col.nt. legatura ed.in tutta tela, sopracop.fig.a col.
51.65 24.00
Early Italian Painting 1290-1470.
1990, cm.25x30, pp.226, num.ill.bn.e col.nt. legatura ed.soprac.fig.a col. Coll.The Thyssen Bornemisza.
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9783786111566-Fruhe Italienische Malerei. Katalog Der Gemaldegalerie Berlin (Staatliche Museen
Fruhe Italienische Malerei. Katalog Der Gemaldegalerie Berlin (Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz).
Mann Verlag
1988, cm.23x30, pp.417, 8 tavv.a col e 272 figg.bn.nt. legatura ed.in tutta tela,soprac.fig.a col.
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