#158155 Spettacolo Musica Spartiti Metodi Libretti

Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel. 16 songs.

CuratorLow voice.
PublisherAlfred Publishing.
Date of publ.
Details cm.23x30, pp.96, alcune ill.bn.nt. brossura cop.fig.a col. Testo in inglese.
AbstractFrom the Mendelssohn archive in Berlin come these sixteen never-before-published Romantic lieder by Fannie Mendelssohn Hensel. These inspired compositions have the balanced legato of the classical composers and the sensitive feeling and colorful harmonies of the dawning Romantic era. Includes historical background , idiomatic and word-by-word translation of foreign texts and transcriptions into the International Phonetic Alphabet.
ConditionsUsato, buono
EUR 9.95
EUR 4.50
#158155Last copy
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