#160253 Spettacolo Musica Spartiti Metodi Libretti

Le tombeau de Couperin. Valses nobles et sentimentales. Alle due opere di Ravel è accluso Estampes, di Cl. Debussy.

PublisherDurand et Cie.
Date of publ.
Details cm.25,5x32, pp.32,25,24. Rilegatura in mz.tela e carta marmoriz.
ConditionsDa collezione, buono
EUR 22.00
#160253Last copy
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La valse. Poème coréographique pour orchestre.
Durand Ed.
s.d. cm.22,5x30, pp.42, fascicolo spillato.
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Ma Mère l'Oye. Cinq Pièces Enfantines. Pour Piano.
Editions Durand
2009, cm.23x30,5, pp.18, brossura
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14.20 12.00
Rapsodie Espagnole, Mother Goose Suite and Pavane for a Dead Princess in Full Score.
Dover Publications, Inc.
2001, cm.23,5x30,5, pp.150, brossura cop.fig.a col.
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5029365688321-The Automaton and The Magic Spell.
The Automaton and The Magic Spell.
Brilliant Classics
2005, 1 DVD + 2 CD's, Playing Time: 52 min. DVD, Coll.The Great Composers. Lingue: Inglese, Spagnolo, Italiano, Francese. 4:3 All Formats, Sound 5.1, PAL,