#166298 Arte Scultura

British Object Sculptors of the '80s. Vol.II.

PublisherKyoto Shoin International.
Date of publ.
SeriesColl. ArT RANDOM.
Details cm.22x30, pp.n.n.(48), 34 tavv.a col., legatura ed.carton., copp.figg.a col. Ottimo esempl. Coll. ArT RANDOM.
ConditionsUsato, accettabile
EUR 19.00
#166298Last copy
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See also...

9780810932142-Jim Dine Flowers and Plants.
Jim Dine Flowers and Plants.
Harry N Abrams Inc
1994, cm.23,5x29, pp.144 ill.bn.e a colori. hardcover, dustjacket.
Usato, come nuovo
#285360Last copy
British Object Sculptors of the '80s. Vol.I.
Kyoto Shoin International
1989, cm.22x30, pp.n.n.(48), 33 tavv.a col., legatura ed.carton., cop.fig.a col. Ottimo esempl. Coll. ArT RANDOM. Ediz.bilingue (Jap., Engl.)
#166299Last copy