#167454 Storia Opere Generali

The Popular History of England: An illustrated History of Society and Government from the Earliest Period to Our Own Times. vol.I: Fron the invasion of Caesar to the end of the reign of Edward III.pp.VIII,492, vol.II: From the reign of Richard II. To the reign of Edward VI.pp.XII,500, vol.III: From the reign of Edward VI. To the reign of Charles I.pp.XI,499, vol.IV: from the civil war of the reign of Charles I. 1642, to the commencement of the reign of William and Mary,1680, with a complete index to the four volumes.pp.X,499, vol.V: From the revolution of 1688, to the accession of George I.pp.XII,483, vol.VI: from the accession of George I,1714, to the close of the american war,1783.pp.X,472, vol.VII: from the close of the american war,1783, to the restoration of the Bourbons, and the peace of Paris,1814.pp.XVI,582, vol.VIII: from the peace with the United States,1815 to the final extinction of the Corn-Laws, feb.,1849,with an appendix of annals 1849-1861.pp.XVI,672. l'opera si completa con num.tavv.ft.e numerose ill.bn.nt.

PublisherBradbury and Evans.
Date of publ.
Details8 voll. cm.16x23, legature editoriali in tutta tela,con dorature ai piatti ant.e titoli e fregi in oro ai dorsi. (legg.lenti e due vol.slegati, ed il vol.I con num.trappetti e piccole mancanze alla cop.).
ConditionsDa collezione, buono
EUR 216.00
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