#190105 Spettacolo Musica Spartiti Metodi Libretti

Gateway to Italian Art Songs. An Anthology of Italian Song and Interpretation. High.

PublisherAlfred Publishing Co.
Date of publ.
SeriesColl.Gateway to Italian Art Songs.
Details1 vol. + 2 CD allegati, cm.24x30, pp.216, legatura a spirale, Coll.Gateway to Italian Art Songs.
ConditionsUsato, buono
EUR 41.18
EUR 20.00
#1901052 copies
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9780882844909-26 Italian Songs and Arias. An authoritative edition based on authentic sources.
26 Italian Songs and Arias. An authoritative edition based on authentic sources.
Alfred Publishing Co.
1991, cm.22,5x30, pp.152, brossura cop.fig.a col. MEDIUM LOW.
#1570422 copies
13.00 8.00
Gateway to Italian Art Songs. An Anthology of Italian Song and Interpretation. Low.
Alfred Publishing Co.
2004, 1 vol. + 2 CD allegati, cm.24x30, pp.216, legatura a spirale, Coll.Gateway to Italian Art Songs.
#1901042 copies
41.18 20.00
Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel. 16 songs.
Alfred Publishing
1995, cm.23x30, pp.96, alcune ill.bn.nt. brossura cop.fig.a col. Testo in inglese.
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9.95 4.50