#193038 Esoterismo Simbologia

A Dictionary of Symbols.

CuratorTranslated from the Spanish by Jack Sage. Foreword by Herbert Read.
PublisherRoutledge & Kegan Paul.
Date of publ.
Details cm.14,5x22, pp.LIV,400, numerose ill.in bn.nt.e XXXII tavv.in bn.ft., legatura ed.in buckram, titoli in oro al dorso, sopraccop.fig. (due strappetti alla sopraccop.e firma di appartenenza al frontesp.ma copia in buono stato.)
AbstractSymbolism was an essential part of the ancient art of the Orient and of the mediaeval tradition in the West. It has been lately revived in the study of the unconscious, both directly in the Field of dreams, visions and psychoanalysis, and indirectly in art and poetry. The basic aim of this work is to create a "centre" of general reference for symbological studies by clarifying the under varying essential meaning of every symbol. The author uses the comparative method, specifying the precise sources of information taken from a great number of widely varying fields.
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EUR 20.00
#193038Last copy
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9788489815957-Gaudì. Introduzione alla sua architettura.
Gaudì. Introduzione alla sua architettura.
2001, cm.15,5x16, pp.190, fotografia a colori, brossura, copertina figurata a colori con bandelle.
Usato, come nuovo
#318487Last copy
El arte de Gaudí.
Ediciones Omega
1950, cm.18x24, pp.49,(3), 54 tavv.in bn.ft. e IV tavv. a col.ft. applicate, legatura ed.in mz.tela, titoli al piatto ant. e al dorso, sopraccop. con ill. a col. applicata. (due strappi di ca. 4 cm. alla base della sopraccop.; piccole abrasioni al rivestimento del piatto anteriore.)
#231642Last copy