#212738 Pesca e Subacquea


PublisherCountry Life Offices; George Newnes, Ltd.
Date of publ.
SeriesColl.Country Life Library of Sport" collection.
Detailscompleto in 2 volumi. cm.15x23,5, pp.VII,526; XIII,445, num.figg.bn.nt. legature editoriali in tutta tela, titoli in oro ai piatti e ai dorsi. Coll.Country Life Library of Sport" collection. Buon esemplare.
AbstractA highly detailed collection of works exploring the history, techniques and laws of angling, as well as the various species of fish. Profusely illustrated with numerous photographic plates, vignettes and five hand-coloured plates to volume one.
ConditionsUsato, molto buono
EUR 59.00
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Il paesaggio.
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