#214465 Arte Varia

Peter Hauser - Hello I Am Not From Here.

PublisherPublisher Sturm & Drang.
Date of publ.
Details cm.25x31, pp.120, num.tavv.bn.nt. legatura ed.cop.fig.a col.
AbstractThe first book release by young Swiss photographer Peter Hauser shows his straightforward, analog black and white pictures of nature and urban landscapes that yield a distinctive observation of perceptual phenomena: rectangles float; shadows fall into hard-edge shapes; surfaces reveal patterns and unlikely grids. Photographer Edward Weston drew a distinction between making pictures to learn about the world and those that impose a vision upon it. It was his intention to make pictures, he once said, not as “an interpretation, a biased opinion of what nature should be, but a revelation — an absolute, impersonal recognition of the significance of facts.”. Peter Hauser's work is subscribing to this mantra.
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