#226767 Libri e Giochi per Bambini e Ragazzi

Aircraft Carriers. Photographs, Glossary, Index, Primary Sources, Pronunciation Guide to New Words, Timelines, Web Sites.

CuratorAge Range:10 - 8 Years. Illustrations by Leonello Calvetti, Lorenzo Cecchi.
PublisherThe Rosen Publishing Group's -Powerplus Books.
Date of publ.
SeriesColl.Technology:Blueprints of the Future.
Details cm.23x30, pp.48, hardcover. Coll.Technology:Blueprints of the Future. [mint copy]
AbstractAircraft carriers are truly the fortresses of the sea! Students will get an inside-out view of these incredible floating cities, from how they are constructed to how they function as important parts of a country's defense. Students also will learn about the various aircraft that are on board and the crew that keeps aircraft carriers in ship-shape!.
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