#239519 Bibliografia Bibliofilia Storia dell'editoria

Travel, Atlases, Natural History and Maps.

CuratorLondon, 34-35 New Bond Street, 7 June 1999.
Date of publ.
Details cm.21x26,5, p.156, numerose ill. e tavv. a col. e in bn. nt., brossura, cop. fig. a colori. Sale L09206. Catalogue L09206 "Fiesta".
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EUR 10.00
#239519Last copy
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The Holy Land & Middle the Middle East. The Library of a Gentleman. Maps & Books from the Laor Collection.
1999, cm.21x27, pp.96, testo su 2 colonne, numerose ill. in bn. nt., brossura, cop. fig, a colori. Sale L09203.
Usato, molto buono
#239438Last copy
Printed Books and Manuscripts.
1998, cm.21x26,5, p.171,(1), numerose ill. a col. e alcune in bn. nt., brossura, cop. fig. a colori.
Usato, molto buono
#239441Last copy
Catalogue of French Drawings of the 18th and 19th Centuries from the Collection of the Late Rene Fribourg.
Sotheby & Co
1963, cm.21x27, pp.113,(3), 73 tavv. in bn.nt., legatura ed.cartonata, piatto ant. ornato, sopraccop.fig. a colori. (sopraccop.ingiallita e con uno strappetto.) Coll. The Rene Fribourg Collection, VI.
#214748Last copy
Printed Books & Maps.
1997, cm.21x27, pp.113,(15), testo su 2 colonne, numerose ill. in bn. nt., brossura, cop. fig, Sale LN7130.
Usato, molto buono
#239440Last copy