#239913 Scienze Naturali

Cachorros. Narices Humedas Y Barrigas Peludas.

CuratorFotografie di Jane Burton.
Date of publ.
Details cm.29x34, pp.240 , num.figg.a col.nt. legatura ed.cop.fig.a col. Idioma Catalano.
AbstractThe diminutive size, vulnerability, and light-hearted playfulness of puppies evoke the same sort of loving and protective response as we have for human children. This lavish, volume zooms in on the behavior, poses, and facial expressions of our cuddliest canine friends. Juvenile dog lovers of every age will love its expert studio portraiture, featuring adorable cuties from dozens of breeds nuzzling their mothers, romping with siblings, blithely exploring their surroundings, and yipping with curiosity and delight.
ConditionsUsato, molto buono
NoteLieve menda alla sopracoperta
EUR 15.00
#239913Last copy
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See also...

9788854012646-L' arte di Pompei.
L' arte di Pompei.
White Star
2010, cm.35,5x44, pp.174, num.figg.a col.nt. legatura editoriale cartonata sopracoperta figurata a colori. Coll.Tesori senza Tempo.

Perdita di colore alle prime e alle ultime pagine nere mute. Piccola sbucciatura al dorso.

Usato, molto buono
#176571Last copy
50.00 35.00