#242242 Spettacolo Musica

Classical Music: A New Way of Listening.

CuratorCon CD Allegato.
PublisherDe Agostini.
Date of publ.
Details cm.20x23, pp.142, legatura editoriale, sopracoperta figurata a colori.
AbstractAn all-inclusive package to appreciation and enjoymentHere is an innovative and thoroughly enjoyable approach to demystifying classical music for the devotee and the novice alike. Consisting of a fully illustrated book with unique musical timelines and an accompanying compact disc, it teaches the reader to navigate any piece of music -- from operas to piano sonatas to complete orchestral movements. This handsome package offers: -- Clear explanations of all of the elements of music -- harmony, rhythm, tone, and musical instruments-- Complete information on composers, themes, and musical components-- Advice on how to listen to a piece for the first time-- A 72-minute CD featuring dozens of musical excerpts performed by world-class orchestras-- Visual annotated timelines that guide the reader through the corresponding pieces on the CD, including Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture, Vivaldi's The Four Seasons, Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata, and more-- A guide to 40 great composers-- Musical time chart-- Glossary of musical termsWith its fresh insights into music of all types, Classical Music will turn anyone into a music lover.
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EUR 8.00
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Klassisk musik.
1996, cm.19,5x24, pp.142, num.figg.a col.nt. legatura editoriale, sopracoperta fig.a col.
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Klassieke muziek.
1996, cm.19,5x24, pp.142, num.figg.a col.nt. legatura editoriale, sopracoperta fig.a col.
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Ooopera Uusi tapa kuunnella.
1996, cm.19,5x24, pp.142, num.figg.a col.nt. legatura editoriale, sopracoperta fig.a col.
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Opera, a New Way of Listening.
1996, cm.19,5x24, pp.142, num.figg.a col.nt. legatura editoriale, sopracoperta fig.a col.
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