#244188 Storia Opere Generali

An Historical Disquisition Concerning the Knowledge which the Ancients had of India; and the Progress of Trade with that Country prior to the Discovery of the Passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope. With an Appendix containing: Observations on the Civil Policy - the Laws and Judicial Proceedings - the Arts - the Sciences - and Religious Institutions of the Indians.

Publisherprinted and fold by J.J.Tourneisen.
Date of publ.
Details cm.13x21,8, pp.VIII,366,(24), 2 carte più volte ripiegate in fine, rilegatura coeva in mezza pelle con angoli ai piatti in carta marmorizzata, titoli in oro al dorso.
ConditionsDa collezione, molto buono
NoteOpera non comune, difficile da trovare in queste condizioni di integrità e freschezza.
EUR 180.00
#244188Last copy
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See also...

9788884020949-La scoperta dell'America.
La scoperta dell'America.
Salerno Edit.
1992, cm.13,5x21, pp.236, brossura copertina figurata. Coll.Omikron,42.
13.00 6.00