#258288 Architettura e Urbanistica

Italian Renaissance Architecture: From Brunelleschi to Michelangelo.

PublisherThames & Hudson.
Date of publ.
Details cm.21,5x30,5, pp.454, num.ill.e tavv.bn.e a col.nt. Softcover. Text in english.
AbstractThese essays consider both architecture and urban planning in late medieval and Renaissance Italy, and French and German Renaissance architecture, stage designs and the relationship of architecture with the other arts. The works are analyzed historically from the viewpoint of both the humanist Renaissance theories and of modern critical reappraisals. Reproducing and describing numerous designs, projects and manuscripts by Brunelleschi, Alberti, Michelangelo and Bramante among others, this volume presents a panorama of civil and religious masterworks by those who created European architecture.
EUR 24.90
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