#266838 Classici Greci e Latini Opere e Saggi

Astronomicon. Liber primus.

CuratorRecensuit et enarravit A.E. Housman.
PublisherTypis Academiae.
Date of publ.
Details cm.14x22, pp.LXXV,(1),125,(3), legatura ed. in tutta tela rossa, titolo in oro al dorso. Editio altera.
AbstractThis volume contains the Latin text of the first book of Manilius, originally published in 1903. It offers a short introductory note by Housman's friend and colleague at Trinity College, Cambridge, A. S. F. Gow, as well as a detailed introduction by Housman himself, tracing the manuscript history of the work and discussing particular challenges posed by the editorial process.
ConditionsDa collezione, molto buono
EUR 40.00
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