#270842 Fumetti

The Absolute Authority: Vol.1.

Date of publ.
Details cm.21,5x32,5, pp.320, hardcover, slipcase.
AbstractHere they are: the electric, no-nonsense Brit Jenny Sparks; the alien-designed King of Cities Jack Hawksmoor; the shamanic Doctor; the winged Tibetan heroine Swift, aka Shen Li-Min; the lithe cyborg Engineer; the leather-clad Midnighter and the sun-powered force of nature known as Apollo - meet the Authority, standing ready to save the world from menaces on the largest possible scale. In this handsome hardcover collection, encompassing the first twelve issues of The Authority, our heroes fight a brutal dictator, an invasion from a parallel Earth, and a being that may well be God itself - all written by white-hot creator Warren Ellis, and featuring the fan-favourite artwork of Bryan Hitch and Paul Neary, coloured by multi-award winner Laura Depuy.
EUR 79.90
#270842Last copy
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