#277287 Arti Applicate Gioielli Argenteria

The Art of Silver Jewellery: From The Minorities of China, the Golden Triangle, Mongolia And Tibet. Testi di Rene Van Der Star, Ien Rappold, Hugo Krijger, John Beringen, Michiel Elsevier Stokmans.

Date of publ.
Details cm.25,5x30,5, pp.240 ill.a colori. legatura editoriale sopracoperta figurata a colori.
AbstractThis book and exhibition presents over 250 silver necklaces, and earrings - objects of ceremonial beauty and originality created by tribal peoples of China. Four catalog essays by leading experts illuminate the context creation in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and also provide valuable background information for designers, historians, collectors and dealers. In addition to images of the jewelry itself, the volume includes a selection of collect ethnic textiles and other field photographs that puts the jewelry in full ethnological context. Details information an object includes dimensions, weight, material, function, and area of origin. This sumptuous volume is the most comprehensive study of the region’s jewelry available and is essential for anyone with an interest in the complete heritage of China.
EUR 50.00
EUR 34.90
#2772872 copies
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9788822212498-Poggio Civitate (Murlo, Siena). The Archaic Etruscan Sanctuary.
Poggio Civitate (Murlo, Siena). The Archaic Etruscan Sanctuary.
Leo S.Olschki Editore
1970, cm.15x21, pp.79, XLIV tavv.in bn.ft. in append., brossura, cop.fig. English Edition.
Usato, molto buono
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33.00 24.00
9780297783237-The Genius of Venice 1500-1600.
The Genius of Venice 1500-1600.
Weidenfeld and Nicolson
1983, cm.21,5x28, pp.413,(3), numerose ill.in bn.nt. e 96 tavv. a col.ft., brossura, cop.fig.a colori.

piccoli segni d'uso alla copertina.

Usato, molto buono
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Bilder vom Menschen in der Kust des Abendlandes. Jubilaumsausstellung der Preusi
Bilder vom Menschen in der Kust des Abendlandes. Jubilaumsausstellung der Preusischen Museen Berlin
Staatliche Museen
1980, cm.22x27, pp.400, num.figg.bn.nt. brossura Testo in tedesco.

Copertina con lieve abrasione e segni d'uso. Interno in buono stato.

Usato, accettabile
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Kunst der Mexikaner.
Kunsthaus Zurich.
1959, cm.16x24, pp.102, 120 figg.bn.in tavv.ft. e num.tavv.a col. brossura cop.fig.
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