#289409 Angolo Antico

New observations on Italy and its inhabitants. Written in french by two swedish gentlemen, translated into english by Thomas Nugent L.L.D. and fellow of the sociey of antiquaries.

PublisherPrinted for L.Davis and C.Reymers, printers to the Royal Society.
Date of publ.
Details2 volumi. cm.13,5x20,5, pp.XI,444 (4),IV,394 (12), legature in tutta pelle, titoli e fregi ai dorsi, tagli rossi. First english edition.
AbstractAlthough it is stated on the title-page that the authors were Swedish, in fact the author was Pierre Jean Grosley, the prolific French writer known for his erudition and insights. His "Observations on Italy" (originally published in French in 1764) is his most important work. Along with being an excellent account of Italy, Grosley also demonstrates within it through his descriptions of his countrymen in Italy, many foibles and vanities which are part of the French character. It is suggested by Nugent that by claiming the authors to be anonymous travelers from Swedish, the French public would accept the this criticism more easily than if it came from a Frenchman. It has also been suggested that as a travel narrative it would be considered of greater value if the travelers were from somewhere farther away. Sections within the book relative to the article of Venice, and the Sacred panegiric of the seraphic father Saint Francis were by Francesco da S. Augustino Macedo and had originally been printed in Padua. There is also a comparative history of Italian and French music; an essay which "fell into my hands" according to the "Editor.".
ConditionsUsato, buono
NoteMende alle copertine, prevalentemente spellature ai dorsi. Internamente ottimo esemplare.
EUR 900.00
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Dell'uso di percuotere l'amica. Dissertazione erudito-galante. Tradotta dal Francese e dedicata agli Amanti.
Maria Pacini Fazzi Editore
1991, cm.12x16, pp.(16),7-112,(4), una tav. in bn. all'antiporta, brossura, cop. fig. Ediz. di 300 esemplari.

Alcuni numeri e disegni a penna biro intorno alla tav. dell'antiporta.

Usato, accettabile
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