#293449 Scienze

Four Lives. A Celebration of Raymond Smullyan.

CuratorA cura di Jason Rosenhouse. Con una postfazione originale di Raymond Smullyan.
PublisherDover Publications.
Date of publ.
Details cm.16x23, pp.XII,337, legatura editoriale con sovracopertina figurata a colori.
AbstractThis "best of" hardcover collection of works by Raymond Smullyan features excerpts from his published writings, including logic puzzles, explorations of mathematical logic and paradoxes, retrograde analysis chess problems, jokes and anecdotes, and meditations on the philosophy of religion. Jason Rosenhouse, the editor of Four Lives, has provided an Introduction, in addition to compiling numerous tributes from former students, friends, and others saluting this celebrated professor, author, and logic scholar hailed by Martin Gardner as "the most entertaining logician and set theorist who ever lived.".
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EUR 34.00
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