#297261 Facsimili

The Jerusalem Haggadah. Gateway to the Haggadah. by Marc Michael Epstein with photographs by Oded Antman.Thiis Facsimile edizion is produced in Verona by Stamperia Valdonega, on special paper manufactered by Cartiera Fedrigoni. The handbinding of full leather facsimile and of the commentary volumi in the work of legatoria Recalcati in Milan. This edition is limited to 550 sets, all signed by the artist, 500 numbered 1-500 and 50 to 1-50. The commentary volume is set in Monotype Baskerville and printed by Letterpress on Old Mill paper.Edizione facsimilare con materiale supplementare tra cui un'introduzione e un commento di Marc Michael Epstein, note dell'artista e fotografie in bianco e nero di Oded Antman destinate a illustrare l'ispirazione architettonica del lavoro di Hershberg.

CuratorDesign and illumination by Yael Hershberg, calligraphy by Izzy Pludwinski.
PublisherAryeh Editions-- Stamperia Valdonega.
Date of publ.
Details cm.32,5x40, Esemplare con autografo di Yael Hershberg,
EUR 6,000.00
EUR 2,300.00
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