#305216 Viaggi Esplorazioni Guide

Paris and environs with routes from London to paris.

CuratorHandbook for travellers. With index of streets and plans of Paris.
PublisherKarl Baedeker Publisher.
Date of publ.
Details cm.11,5x16, pp.LIV,458, 42, 1 map folded. hardcover, red clothbound. Fifteenth revised edition.
ConditionsUsato, molto buono
EUR 18.00
#305216Last copy
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Balgique et Hollande, y compris le Luxembourg. Manuel du voyageur.
Karl Baedeker - Paul Ollendorff
1910, cm.11x16, pp.XLII,500, 19 cartine e 36 piante a col.ft.ripiegate, legatura ed.in tutta tela, impress.a secco a piatti e dorso, titoli in oro al piatto ant.e al dorso. [buon esemplare.]
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Les bords du Rhin de la frontière suisse à la frontière de Hollande.
Karl Baedeker Editeur
1906, cm.11x16, pp.XXIV,350, 51 cartine e 24 piante a col.ft.ripiegate, legatura ed.in tutta tela, impress.a secco a piatti e dorso, titoli in oro al piatto ant.e al dorso, sopraccoperta. [buon esemplare.]
#223660Last copy
Paris Ses environs. Manuel du Voyageur.
Paris Ses environs. Manuel du Voyageur.
Karl Baedeker Publisher
1903, cm.11,5x16, pp.XXVI,454, 46, hardcover, red clothbound. Indicateur et plans de Paris. Fifteenth revised edition.
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#305217Last copy
Paris et ses environs. Manuel du voyayeur.
Paris et ses environs. Manuel du voyayeur.
Karl Baedeker
1903, cm.11x16, pp.XXVI,454, legatura editoriale in percallina.

frontespizio con stampa a caratteri giapponesi forse ex libris.

Usato, buono
#310752Last copy