#308360 Letteratura Medievale

Style and Scholarship: Latin Prose from Gildas to Raffaele Regio. Selected Papers.

CuratorEdited by Roberto Gamberini. Foreword by Michael Lapidge.
PublisherSismel Edizioni del Galluzzo.
Date of publ.
Details cm.14,5x23, pp.XXXVI,512, brossura copertina figurata a colori. Coll.MediEvi,26.
AbstractAmpia selezione degli scritti sulla latinità medievale di Michael Winterbottom, che riguarda oltre un millennio di letteratura a partire dalla Britannia e dall’Irlanda altomedievali, fino all’Inghilterra anglonormanna e all’Europa del Rinascimento. Comprende 25 articoli (tra i quali un inedito), e 9 recensioni, pubblicati tra il 1967 e il 2017, oltre a un’appendice con 2 addenda. Il volume offre anche una bibliografia completa degli scritti dell’autore, comprensiva di tutte le recensioni.M. Lapidge, ForewordR. Gamberini, PrefaceBibliography of Michael WinterbottomINSULAR LATINI. BEGINNINGS1. The preface of Gildas’ De excidio«Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion. Trafodion Anrhydeddus Gymdeithas y Cymmrodorion» (1974-5) 277-872. Notes on the text of Gildas«Journal of Theological Studies» 27 (1976) 132-403. Columbanus and Gildas«Vigiliae Christianae. A Review of Early Christian Life and Language» 30(1976) 310-174. A «Celtic» hyperbaton?«Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies» 27 (1976-78) 207-12II. NORTHUMBRIA1. Conversations in Bede’s Historia ecclesiasticaColloquial and literary latin ed. A. Chahoud - E. Dickey (Cambridge, 2010) 419-302. Bede’s Homily on Benedict Biscop (Hom. i. 13)«The Journal of Medieval Latin» 21 (2011) 35-523. The text and transmission of some Bedan works«Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch» 52 (2017) 445-594. rev. A. Campbell (ed.), Aethelwulf De abbatibus (Oxford, 1967)«Medium Aevum» 38 (1969) 60-45. Conjectures on some insular textsMélanges François Kerlouégan ed. D. Conso - N. Fick - B. Poulle (Paris, 1994) 667-72III. MALMESBURY1. Aldhelm’s prose style and its origins«Anglo-Saxon England» 6 (1977) 39-762. rev. S. J. Gwara (ed.), Aldhelmi Malmesbiriensis Prosa de virginitate cum glosa Latina atque Anglosaxonica (Turnhout, 2001)«Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies» 79 (2004) 1017-83. An edition of Faricius, Vita S. Aldhelmi«The Journal of Medieval Latin» 15 (2005) 93-1474. William of Malmesbury on MalmesburyUnpublished5. The Gesta regum of William of Malmesbury«The Journal of Medieval Latin» 5 (1995) 158-756. The language of William of MalmesburyRhetoric and renewal in the Latin West 1100-1540. Essays in honour of John O. Ward ed. C. J. Mews - C. J. Nederman - R. M. Thomson (Turnhout, 2003) 129-477. The vocabulary of William of Malmesbury«Aevum» 91 (2017) 377-4098. Words, words, words …Discovering William of Malmesbury ed. R. M. Thomson - E. Dolmans - E. A. Winkler (Woodbridge, 2017) 203-189. William of Malmesbury versificusAnglo-Latin and its Heritage. Essays in honour of A.G. Rigg on his 64th birthday ed. S. Echard - G. R. Wieland, praef. D. Townsend (Turnhout, 2001) 109-27IV. HAGIOGRAPHY1. Three Lives of Saint Ethelwold«Medium Aevum» 41 (1972) 191-2012. Notes on the Life of Edward the Confessor«Medium Aevum» 56 (1987) 82-43. The style of ÆlnothHistorical and intellectual culture in the long twelfth century: the Scandinavian connection ed. M. Münster-Swendsen - T. Heebøll-Holm - S. Olsen Sønnesyn (Durham-Toronto, 2016) 119-30V. SOME ECCENTRICS1. On the Hisperica famina«Celtica» 8 (1968) 126-392. rev. M. W. Herren (ed.), The Hisperica famina: I. The A-text (Toronto, 1974)«Medium Aevum» 45 (1976) 105-93. rev. M. W. Herren (ed.), The Hisperica famina II Related poems(Toronto, 1987)«Peritia. Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland» 6-7 (1987-8) 331-24. The other Virgil«Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London» 25 (1978) 146-565. rev. O. Prinz (ed.), Die Kosmographie des Aethicus (München, 1993)«Peritia. Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland» 9 (1995) 430-26. The style of Aethelweard«Medium Aevum» 36 (1967) 109-18CONTINENTAL LATIN1. rev. T. Janson, Prose rhythm in medieval Latin from the 9th to the 13th century (Stockholm, 1975)«Medium Aevum» 45 (1976) 298-3002. rev. J. B. Hall (ed.), Ioannis Saresberiensis Metalogicon (Turnhout, 1991)«The Journal of Ecclesiastical History» 43 (1992) 470-13. rev. K. S. B. Keats-Rohan (ed.), Ioannis Saresberiensis Policraticus I-IV (Turnhout, 1993)«The Journal of Ecclesiastical History» 46 (1995) 321-34. rev. F. Wendling (ed.), Hugonis de Miromari De hominis miseria, mundi et inferni contemptu (Turnhout, 2010)«The Journal of Medieval Latin» 22 (2012) 333-85. In praise of Raphael RegiusAntike Rhetorik und ihre Rezeption. Symposion zu Ehren von Professor Dr. Carl Joachim Classen D. Litt. Oxon. am 21. und 22. November 1998 in Göttingen ed. S. Döpp (Stuttgart, 1999) 99-1166. Raffaele Regio’s 1492 Quaestio doubting Cicero’s authorship of the Rhetorica ad Herennium (with J. J. Murphy)«Rhetorica» 17 (1999) 77-87MODERN SCHOLARSHIP1. Roger Aubrey Baskerville Mynors «Proceedings of the British Academy» 80 (1991) 371-401 APPENDIX1. New identifications of sources of William of Malmesbury’s reading Unpublished2. Addenda et corrigendaINDEXES by Veronica Urban (Manuscripts, Authors and Anonymous Works, Scholars).
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