#315417 Economia

Silicon Europe. The Great Adventure of the Global Chip Industry and an Italian-French Company that Makes the World Go Round.

CuratorForeword by Nicolas Dufourcq and Maurizio Tamagnini. Bocconi University Press.
Date of publ.
Details cm.15x23, pp.192, brossura copertina figurata a colori.
AbstractSemiconductors and chips have become increasingly indispensable, present in everything from smartphones and cars to home appliances and medical devices. However, we often fail to recognize the significant technological and creative efforts that go into creating these “life companions.” While it’s commonly assumed that technological innovations are exclusively produced in Asian factories or American laboratories, few realize that there has been a “Silicon Europe” of industrial and technological excellence across France and Italy for decades. At the heart of this region lies STMicroelectronics, a world-leading chip company. Through the history of ST and European microelectronics, journalist and writer Marco Bardazzi takes readers on an incredible journey that documents the ideas, inventions, stories, and people behind the technologies and objects that have revolutionized our lives in recent decades. Bardazzi also sheds light on the cutting-edge technology sector that is pivotal to new generations and future jobs, in which Europe is playing an essential role. Dagli smartphone alle automobili, dai computer alle smart tv, dagli elettrodomestici ai dispositivi medici, viviamo in un mondo in cui i semiconduttori e i chip sono sempre più indispensabili. Tuttavia, pochi sanno che nel nostro continente esiste da decenni una vera e propria "Silicon Europe", un'area di eccellenza industriale e tecnologica distribuita tra Italia e Francia e che ha il suo cuore in un'azienda leader mondiale dei chip: Stmicroelectronics. Marco Bardazzi ci guida in un viaggio sorprendente svelando i retroscena di un settore tecnologico all'avanguardia e centrale per le nuove generazioni e i lavori del futuro, in cui il nostro paese e l'Europa giocano un ruolo da protagonista. .
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See also...

9788860320032-L'America che non ti hanno mai detto.
L'America che non ti hanno mai detto.
Società Editrice Fiorentina
2005, cm.12,5x20, pp.202, brossura copertina figurata a colori.
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