#319420 Cronache Diari Memorie

The memoirs of Bridget Hitler.

CuratorEdited by Michael Unger.
Date of publ.
Details cm.14,5x20, pp.192 ill. bw. hardcover, dustjacket. Very good condition.
AbstractThis is an account of the life of Bridget Dowling a young Irish girl who met and married Adolf Hitler's half-brother when she was seventeen. In the book she presents a plausible account of Adolf's so called "missing year." 'In 1912 Alois and Bridget meet the future Fuhrer off the train at Liverpool's Lime Street station. He is dirty, dishevelled and ill and is a difficult guest in their home for several months.'Following the break-up of Bridget's marriage Alois disappeared. When he reached 18 years old, their son William Patrick decided to renew his acquaint ance with his Uncle. He made several visits to Germany eventually deciding to seek work there. In 1937 Bridget followed him to Germany and met Adolf Hitler once more in the Bavarian Alps. She found him greatly changed from the 'spineless' young man she had once known. The story takes on an adventurous tone in its description of how the mother and son eventually escape the grasp of Hitler and his body-guards. These Memoirs cast new light on Adolf Hitler and his immediate family, particularly his extraordinary relationship with his niece (Geli).
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EUR 65.00
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