#324825 Letteratura Straniera Opere

Boxed set, 6 volumes. 1) Sense and sensibility. With illustrations by Hugh Thomson. With an afterword by Henry Hitchings. pp. 462.2) Pride and prejudice. With illustrations by Hugh Thomson. With an afterword by Henry Hitchings. pp.490.3) Emma. With illustrations by Hugh Thomson. With an afterword by David Pinching. pp.590.4) Northanger Abbey. With illustrations by Hugh Thomson. With an afterword by David Pinching. pp.302.5) Mansfield Park. With illustrations by Hugh Thomson. With an afterword by Nigel Cliff. pp.584.6) Persuasion. With illustrations by Hugh Thomson. With an afterword by Henry Hitchings. pp.312.

PublisherCRW Publishing.
Date of publ.
Details cm.9,5x15,5, legature editoriali in tutta tela, sopracoperte figurate a colori. Tagli dorati. In cofanetto. Collector's Library. Jane Austen Boxed set, 6 volumes. Complete & Unabridged.
ConditionsUsato, come nuovo
EUR 63.00
#324825Last copy
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See also...

L'Abbazia di Northanger.
L'Abbazia di Northanger.
Theoria Ed. per l'Unità
1994, cm.10,5x18, pp.253, brossura, Collana I Libri dell'Unità. Illusioni e Fantasmi,5.
Usato, buono
#154901Last copy
A Passage to India - Northanger Abbey - The Awkward Age.
1985; 1994; 1966, cm.11x18, pp.362,(6); (4),235,(1); 382,(2), brossura, copertine figg. a colori. Coll. Penguin Books, Prezzo complessivo:

Interni un po' ingialliti per il tipo di carta.

Usato, molto buono
#261016Last copy
Pride and prejudice.
De Agostini
2007, cm.15x23, pp.250, legatura editoriale, soprac.fig.a col. Coll.L'Inglese.
#2545082 copies
2020, cm.17x24, pp.480, brossura coeprtina figurata. Collana BUR Classici BUR Deluxe.
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16.00 13.00