#327513 Arte Storia dell'Arte

The Lives of the Artists.

CuratorA new translation by Julia Conaway Bondanella and Peter Bondanella.
Date of publ.
Details cm.12.5x20, pp.XXIII,588, brossura copertina figurata a colori. Collection Oxford World's Classics.
AbstractPacked with facts, attributions, and entertaining anecdotes about his contemporaries, Vasari's collection of biographical accounts also presents a highly influential theory of the development of Renaissance art. Beginning with Cimabue and Giotto, who represent the infancy of art, Vasari considers the period of youthful vigour, shaped by Donatello, Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, and Masaccio, before discussing the mature period of perfection, dominated by the titanic figures of Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo. This specially commissioned translation contains thirty-six of the most important lives as well as an introduction and explanatory notes.
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EUR 9.00
#327513Last copy
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See also...

Le Opere.
Le Opere.
Sansoni Editore
1981, 9 voll. cm.13x20, pp.702,694,716,656,661,664,730,630,270. brossura sopraccoperte figg. in Cofanetto.
Usato, buono
#391Last copy
Archivio Guido Izzi Ed.
1989, cm.17x24, pp.132, 78 tavv.bn.nt. brossura Coll.Parole e Forme,1.
12.91 6.00
Capricci e aneddoti di artisti.
1888, cm.12x19, pp.VI-166, rilegatura in mezza pergamena. Quinta edizione.

legatura con mende.

Usato, buono
#19204Last copy
Le Opere. Le vite de' più eccellenti pittori, scultori ed achitettori. Tomo III.
Sansoni Ed.
1981, cm.13x20, pp.714, brossura soprac.fig. Coll.Superbiblioteca. (con indicato vol.II in copertina ma in realtà è il III).
#923592 copies