#328836 Viaggi Esplorazioni Guide

The Blue Nile.

PublisherPenguin Books.
Date of publ.
Details cm.19x25, pp.304, con illustrazioni e foto in bianco e nero. brossura con copertina figurata a colori.
AbstractAn account of the course of the Blue Nile from the Ethiopian Highlands, through the Sudan and Egupt to the sea. The book contains an historical narrative which starts in the eighteenth century and ends in 1869. The period was dominated by four men: James Bruce, the Scot who journeyed to the supposed source of the Blue Nile, and stayed in warring Ethiopia; Napoleon who, needing military glory to further his political ambitions, led a brilliantly conceived expedition to Egypt; Mohammed Ali, the Turkish viceroy, who sent his son to conquer the Sudan in a ruthless quest for gold and slaves; and Emporer Theodore of Ethiopia, a tyrant who held British subjects captive.
ConditionsUsato, buono
NoteTracce d'uso.
EUR 10.00
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Darwin e la Beagle.
Darwin e la Beagle.
1972, cm.19x25, pp.238, num.ill.bn.e a col.nt. legatura ed.sovrac.fig.a col.

Fioriture alle prime ed ultime pagine.

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#80912Last copy
La Rivoluzione russa.
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
1959, cm.14,5x21, pp.376, 33 foto in 16 tavv.in bn.ft., legatura ed.cartonata. Esempl.privo di sovraccop.ma ben tenuto. Coll.Le Scie.
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Il Nilo Azzurro.
Il Nilo Azzurro.
1972, cm.12x18,5, pp.316,(2), 18 ill.in bn.nt., brossura, cop.fig. Collez.I Rossi e i Blu.
Usato, buono
#212150Last copy
The Blue Nile.
The Blue Nile.
Harper & Row Publishers
1962, cm.14x21, pp.308, con alcune tavole illustrate ed illustrazioni in bianco e nero. Legatura in tutta tela.

Mancante sovracopertina.

Usato, buono
#288317Last copy