#328985 Storia Antica

Miletos. A History. --Introduction --Milesia: the territory, physical environment and natural resources of Miletos.--Prehistoric and protohistoric Miletos.--The Archaic period. -- Post-Archaic Miletos.

Date of publ.
Details cm.15,5x23, pp.178 ill.bn.nt. brossura copertina figurata a colori.
AbstractDrawing on case studies and presenting archaeological evidence throughout, Alan Greaves presents a welcome survey of the origins and development of Miletos.Focusing on the archaic era and exploring a wide range of issues including physical environment, colonizations, the economy, and its role as a centre of philosophy and learning, Greaves examines Miletos from prehistory to its medieval decline.
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EUR 60.00
EUR 30.00
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