#329613 Architettura e Urbanistica

Alvar Aalto: Architect.

CuratorForeword by Richard Rogers.
Date of publ.
Details cm.22x26, pp.271 ill. legatura editoriale cartonata, sopracoperta figurata
AbstractAlvar Aalto remains Finland’s greatest architect, retains his place among the Modern Masters of twentieth-century architecture and is now recognized internationally as one of the world’s greatest architects of all time. For Finland, Aalto, through his architecture, furniture, glassware and sculpture, contributed perhaps more than any other Finn to the creation of the cultural identity of the new independent Finland and its promotion around the world. His Finnish Pavilions in Paris and New York from the Thirties placed Finland centre-stage, establishing its identity as a modern, innovative country and generated huge interest in this northern land of lakes and forests. He went on to work in 18 countries around the world, as well as designing many of Finland’s most important buildings of the 50s, 60s and 70s.
EUR 39.90
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