#332274 Arte Varia

Gary Hume XLVIII Venice Biennale. British Pavilion.

Curator13 June - 7 November 1999.
PublisherThe British Council.
Date of publ.
Details cm.21x27, pp.128, brossura con copertina figurata a colori.
AbstractIn the 80s, Gary Hume became a star of the Young British Art (YBA) movement virtually overnight. His Doors series, which brought him this early success, are based on real doors found in public institutions like hospitals and schools, but Hume represents them sparsely and richly, liberally borrowing strategies from the color field and hard-edge abstraction movements. Beyond doors, Hume has depicted windows, flora, fauna and Michael Jackson, all in his trademark technique of using commercial house paint poured onto aluminum panels. The effect is one of brilliant luster, in which slick smooth surfaces of high-gloss paint reveal embedded relief drawings. The Bird Has a Yellow Beak features a retrospective selection of approximately 70 works, including many never-before-published drawings. Heavy glossy varnish coatings over the reproductions convey an appealing sense of the crucial surfaces of Hume's paintings.
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EUR 48.00
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Picasso. Oeuvres reçues en paiment des droits de succession.
Picasso. Oeuvres reçues en paiment des droits de succession.
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Piegature e lievi segni d'uso alla copertina.

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Turner at Manchester.
Turner at Manchester.
De Luca
1982, cm.21x24, pp.80, 99 ill.bn.e col.nt. brossura cop.fig.a col. Testo in inglese.
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British Sporting and Animal Prints 1658-1874.
Tate Gallery
1981, cm.22,5x29, pp.XXII-258, 25 tavv.a col.nt.e 111 tavv.bn.ft. legatura ed.scritte e fregi oro al piatto e al dorso,soprac.fig.a col. Coll.Sport in Art and Books the Paul Mellon Collection.

Mancante di sopraccoperta. Libro come nuovo.

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Greek Papyri in the British Museum (P.Lond.).
Greek Papyri in the British Museum (P.Lond.).
Cisalpino Goliardica Ed.
1974-1977, 5 volumi completo. cm.24,5x33. 17x24, pp.XX,296,XLII,408,LXXIV,388,XLVIII,648,XVI,376, legature editoriali cartonate, titoli in oro ai piatti anteriori e dorsi. Coll.Papirologia.
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