#332824 Architettura e Urbanistica

On the Rise Architecture and Design in a Postmodern Age.

PublisherTimes Books.
Date of publ.
Details cm.17x24, pp.340, ill. legatura editoriale cartonata con sopracoperta.
ConditionsUsato, buono
Notesopracoeprta con lieve menda.
EUR 28.00
#332824Last copy
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See also...

9788878380981-Sartogo/Grenon. Italian Architects.
Sartogo/Grenon. Italian Architects.
L'Arca Ediz.
2001, cm.24x34, pp.99, num.ill.e tavv.a col.e disegni bn.nt. legatura ed., cop.fig.a col. Coll.Architects and Studies.
21.50 14.00