#43267 Classici Greci e Latini Opere e Saggi

Lives. Themistocles and Camillus. Aristides and Cato Major. Cimon and Lucullus.

CuratorVol.II.Ediz.con testo a fronte. Trad.di B.Perrin.
PublisherHarvard Univ.Press.
Date of publ.
Details cm.11,5x17, pp.X-631, legatura ed.in tutta tela. Coll.Loeb.
ConditionsDa collezione, buono
EUR 18.08
#43267Last copy
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Lives. Agesilaus and Pompey. Pelopidas and Marcellus.
Harvard Univ.Press.
1968, cm.11x17, pp.IX-543, legatura ed.in tutta tela,soprac. Coll.Loeb Classical Library.
Lives. Dion and Brutus, Timoleon and Aemilius Paulus.
Harvard Univ.Press
1954, cm.11,5x17, pp.X-477, legatura ed.in tutta tela. Coll.Loeb.
#42349Last copy
29.95 18.08
Lives. Pericles and Fabius Maximus, Nicias and Crassus. Vol.III.
Harvard Univ.Press
1968, cm.11,5x17, pp.XI-442, legatura ed.in tutta tela. Coll.Loeb.
Usato, molto buono
#42353Last copy
29.95 18.08
Lives. Sertorius and Eumenes. Phocion and Cato the Younger.
Harvard Univ.Press
1989,1959, cm.11,5x17, pp.X-424, legatura ed.in tutta tela. Coll.Loeb.
#43272Last copy