#45239 Arte Musei

100 works by modern masters from the Guggenheim Museum.

CuratorIntr.di T.M.Messer.
PublisherHarry N.Abrams.
Date of publ.
Details cm.23x30, pp.211, 100 tavv.a col.nt. legatura ed.in tutta tela,soprac.fig.a col.
ConditionsUsato, accettabile
EUR 24.00
#45239Last copy
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See also...

The Guggenheim Museum Collection 1900-1980.
The Solomon R.Guggenheim Museum
1980, cm.19,5x25,5, pp.528, centinaia di figg.bn.e col.nt. brossura cop.fig.a col.
#82340Last copy
The Guggenheim Museum: Justin K. Thannhauser Collection.
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation
1978, cm.22,5x28, pp.216, numerose ill. e tavv. a col. e in bn.nt., brossura, cop.fig.a col. [copia in ottimo stato]
#196254Last copy
Kandinsky at the Guggenheim.
Kandinsky at the Guggenheim.
Abbeville Press
s.d.,ma anni '80, cm.21,5x28, pp.311, centinaia di ill.bn.e a col.nt. brossura cop.ill.a col.
#216554Last copy