#87783 Scienze Naturali

An Empire of plants. People and plants that changed the World.

PublisherCassell Illustrated.
Date of publ.
Details cm.19x24,5, pp.191, num.ill.bn.e col.nt.e ft. brossura con bandelle, cop.fig.a col.
AbstractFor centuries, from foodstuffs to industrial materials, plants have dominated trade between countries. Possession of rare spices, sweets, and narcotics could meand enviable wealth and power, so explorers ventured forth, risking death on unknown seas. Here are stories of seven plants--tobacco, sugar, cotton, tea, poppies, quinine, and rubber--and how Europe's hunger for them led to the Age of Empire and turned world history upside down. Not only did these crops ensure the commercial success of America and Europe, but they became the catalyst foasr piracy, smuggling, addiction, and the slave trade: the darker side of the golden profits. A beautiful presentation of a fascinating subject.
EUR 17.00
#877832 copies
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