#100420 Spettacolo Musica

Emilio de’ Cavalieri «Gentiluomo romano». His Life and Letters, His Role as Superintendent of all the Arts at the Medici Court, and His Musical Compositions. With addenda to «L’Aria di Fiorenza» and «The Court Musicians in Florence».

EditoreOlschki Ed.
Data di pubbl.
CollanaColl. Historiae Musicae Cultores - Biblioteca, 86.
Dettagli cm.17x24, pp.552 con 56 tavv. ft. di cui 12 a col. legatura ed.in tutta tela, cop.fig.a col. Coll. Historiae Musicae Cultores - Biblioteca, 86.
AbstractI. The Roman Family De’ Cavalieri ~ II. The Immediate Family (The Father Tommaso and Michelangelo Buonarroti – The Nephews and Nieces) ~ III. Cavalieri in Rome and Florence. Correspondence and Conclaves ~ IV. Cavalieri as Superintendent of all the Arts anI. The Roman Family De’ Cavalieri ~ II. The Immediate Family (The Father Tommaso and Michelangelo Buonarroti – The Nephews and Nieces) ~ III. Cavalieri in Rome and Florence. Correspondence and Conclaves ~ IV. Cavalieri as Superintendent of all the Arts an.
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