#129902 Esoterismo Scienze Occulte

Bibliotheca Chemica. A Catalogue of the Alchemical, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Books in the Collection of the late James Young of Kelly and Durris...

EditoreKessinger Publishing Company.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli2 volumi cm.15,5x23, pp.XXI,487,598, Reprint of the 1906 edition (Glasgow: James Maclehose and Sons).
AbstractFerguson's Bibliotheca Chemica is a rich collection of 2,500 early works on chemistry, particularly alchemy. A concise and critical biographical account of each author is followed by an appraisal of his work. Bibliographical descriptions are supplemented by notes of other editions, translations, and other works by the same author not in the collection. Along with Partington's History of Chemistry, this is a "must have" work for anyone interested in alchemy and the history of chemistry, be they bookseller, collector or scholar.
CondizioniUsato, buono
NoteAlcuni appunti nel testo.
EUR 80.00
EUR 60.00
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