#143773 Firenze

Caterina and Maria de' Medici: women in power. The return to Florence of two queens of France.

CuratoreFlorence, Palazzo Strozzi 24 October 2008- 8 February 2009. Curated by Clarice Innocenti.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.24,5x29, pp.192, centinaia di figg.a col.nt. brossura cop.fig.a col.
Abstract .
CondizioniUsato, come nuovo
NoteVolume nuovo, ma con piccole imperfezioni alla copertina.
EUR 30.00
EUR 20.00
#143773Ultima copia
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9780300054460-The Impressionists and the City Pissarro’s Series Paintings.
The Impressionists and the City Pissarro’s Series Paintings.
Yale University Press
1993, cm.24,5x28, pp.234 ill.a colori. brossura copertina figurata a colori.
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Swiss Drawings: Masterpieces of Five Centuries.
Smithsonian Institution Press
1967, cm.19x25, pp.176, 126 ill. e tavv. a un col.ft., brossura, cop.fig. [buon esemplare.]
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Old Master Drawings from Chatsworth. A Loan Exhibition from the Devonshire Collection.
International Rxhibitions Foundation
1969, cm.19x25,4, pp.(4),50,(2), 119 tavv. in bn.ft.in append. e una all'antip., brossura, cop.fig. (dorso un po' insolato.)
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De verzameling van H. van Leeuwen.
1975, cm.15x22,2, pp.90,(2), 40 ill.in 30 tavv.in bn.ft. in append., brossura (minimi segni d'uso alla copertina.)
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