#189054 Arte Pittura

Bartolomeo della Gatta. Pittore e miniatore tra Arezzo, Roma e Urbino.

EditoreCentro Di.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.21x30, pp.460 , 235 figg.a col.e 60 bn. legatura editoriale con sopracoperta figurata a colori.
AbstractThis is the first complete monograph of the fifteenth-century painter and miniaturist, Bartolomeo della Gatta, a Camaldolese monk born and educated in Florence before moving to Arezzo, where he became one of the most original followers of Piero della Francesca. Between the 1470s and 90s, he worked in many towns between the Tiber and Arno rivers located in the areas of southern Tuscany and northern Umbria. Fundamental moments of his career took place at Federico di Montefeltro's court in Urbino and in the fifteenth-century Sistine Chapel where he collaborated with Luca Signorelli alongside major artists like Pietro Perugino, Sandro Botticelli, Domenico Ghirlandaio, and Cosimo Rosselli. This volume, filled with evocative images, therefore presents some of the most extraordinary and lesser-known artists of the Renaissance. The beauty of Bartolomeo's works is made even more valuable by the details resulting from thorough documentary research and the attribution of new works to the painter and miniaturist. .
CondizioniUsato, come nuovo
Notepiccolissimo strappetto alla sopracoperta.
EUR 120.00
EUR 99.00
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