#198921 Sociologia

Chasing Dirt. The American Pursuit of Cleanliness.

EditoreOxford University Press.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.15,8x24, pp.XIV,258, 37 foto e facsimile in 16 tavv.in bn.ft., legatura ed.in mz.tela. (copia priva di sopraccop. ma in ottime condizioni.)
AbstractHow did the U.S. get so obsessed with cleanliness? Indiana historian Suellen Hoy goes back to the 19th century to explain how a decades-long struggle to educate government and the public on the need for sanitation and health reforms has now turned into a cultural obsession fueled by many millions of dollars in carefully calibrated ad campaigns. It may have originally been a question of stopping disease in America's booming new cities, but now it's really about our self-image--and the private house-cleaning business is booming.
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EUR 16.00
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