#203657 Architettura e Urbanistica

Voir l'architecture. Contribution du design à la construction des savoirs. Seeing architecture. Design Contribution to knowledge building.

CuratoreEdition bilingue français-anglais. Edited by Annick Lantenois Gilles Rouffineau.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.14x21, pp.264, num.figg.a col.nt. brossura [volume nuovo]
AbstractRecueil de contributions issues d'une journée d'études tenue en mars 2012 et consacrées aux enjeux du design graphique dans le rapprochement entre architecture du bâti et architecture des données numériques. L'histoire et l'actualité des pratiques de conception sont mises en avant, dans une démarche critique sur la perception de ces architectures.Today, our daily life depends as much on the architecture of digital data as on that of the built environment. Despite our different uses of these constructions, they pose the same questions of structure, organization, access, pathways, visibility, protection and identity. Going beyond a consideration of their irreducible material individuality, these essays seek to examine the processes that come into play at the moment of conception – in the past and in the present – of some of the critical moments in the perception of these architectures.
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