#205589 Letteratura

Memory and Invention. Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Art and Music. Acts of an International Conference (Florence, Villa I Tatti, May 11, 2006).

CuratoreEdited by Anna Maria Busse Berger and Massimiliano Rossi.
EditoreOlschki Ed.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm 17 x 24, xx-174 pp. con es. mus., 37 figg. n.t. e 12 tavv. f.t. Rilegato (Hardcover). Villa i Tatti - The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, 24. Ita / Ing
AbstractIn recent years it has become increasingly clear that the art of memory was closely related to compositional processes in literature, art, and music. These papers explore various aspects of how the relevant material was memorized-whether through division and classification, or through visual diagrams; how the memorized material was used to create new works; how the old texts and models were incorporated into new ones; what was left out and what was reinterpreted in new ways. / Negli ultimi anni è emerso sempre più chiaramente quanto l’arte della memoria sia strettamente legata ai processi compositivi nell’ambito letterario, artistico e musicale. Questi saggi indagano sul perché e su quali materiali siano stati memorizzati o meno attraverso il frazionamento e la classificazione oppure tramite diagrammi visivi; inoltre su quali testi o modelli siano stati rielaborati in nuove opere oppure reinterpretati in nuovi modi.
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