#223152 Medicina Psichiatria

Endoscopic management of pancreatico-biliary cancer and precancerous conditions.

CuratoreEdizione in lingua inglese.
EditoreMinerva Medica.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.19x27,5, pp.240, num.figg.e tavv.a col.nt. legatura ed.cop.fig.a col.
AbstractEndoscopic transpapillary approach approach to pancreatico-biliary ductal system (ERCP) for diagnosing and treating biliary and pancreatic diseases has a long history starting in the 1970s of the last century.Over years, ERCP has become the standard practice in the management and palliation of non-resectable malignant biliary and pancreatic disorders. The development of advanced imaging technologies and new devices for endoluminal diagnosis and therapy has markedly expanded the yield of ERCP in pancreatico-biliary oncology.New technologically-advanced devices and materials allow endoluminal therapy to treat lesions that until few years ago could only be treated by surgery, as bilio- or pancreatico-digestive EUS-guided anastomosis or debridment of necrotic collections occurring after a severe acute pancreatitis, with significant improvement in patients’ morbidity, hospital costs, and a significant cost-saving for the health care system, if routinely adopted in clinical practice outside referral centers.In this book, unique for its completeness and specificity, the Editors have brought together the world’s top experts and asked them to address all present and future aspects of the endoscopic management of pancreatico-biliary tumors, from the advanced diagnostics to therapy, with the aim of providing the reader with the state of the art in the field and future perspectives.
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