#239093 Ebraica

Judaica. Rare Books, Manuscripts, Documents, and Jewish Arts.

CuratoreJerusalem, Sheraton Plaza Hotel, Wednesday, December 17, 2003.
EditoreJudaica Jerusalem.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.21x27, pp.(22),350,(2), numerose foto in bn. e a col. nt., brossura, cop. fig. a colori.
CondizioniUsato, buono
NoteAlcuni numeri appuntati a penna in II di copertina.
EUR 20.00
#239093Ultima copia
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Drawings by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo. The property of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Beauchamp, D.L., J.P.
Christie, Manson & Woods
1965, cm.18x25, pp.60, 166 tavv.bn.ft. legatura ed.
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A Prominent European Collection of Greek - Part II of the Goodman Collection of Roman Republican - Extensive Offering of Roman Imperial - Nice Selection of Choice British Celtic Coinage.
Triton I
1997, cm.21,5x28, pp.408, oltre 2300 foto in minimale di cui alcune in 7 tavv. a col., brossura (piccoli segni d'uso.)
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The Holy Land & Middle the Middle East. The Library of a Gentleman. Maps & Books from the Laor Collection.
1999, cm.21x27, pp.96, testo su 2 colonne, numerose ill. in bn. nt., brossura, cop. fig, a colori. Sale L09203.
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The Benjamin Sonnenberg Collection. Vol.I: Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture. Including Old Masters Paintings and Drawings, 19th and Early 20th Century Paintings and Drawings, Impressionist and Modern Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture.
Sotheby Parke Bernet
1979, cm.22,3x23,6, pp.n.n.(304), numerose ill. e tavv. in bn. e a col.nt., brossura, cop.fig. a colori. (piccoli segni d'uso agli angoli della cop. anteriore.)
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