#239533 Orologi

Important Clocks, Watches, Wristwatches, Barometers and Mechanical Musical Instruments.

CuratoreLondon, 34-35 New Bond Street, 1 October 1998.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.21x26,5, p.168, numerose ill. e tavv. a col. e alcune in bn. nt., brossura, cop. fig. a colori. Sale LN8592. Catalogue LN8592 ("Voyage").
CondizioniUsato, come nuovo
EUR 11.00
#239533Ultima copia
Aggiungi al Carrello

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(Exploration and Travel: The P. R. Sandwell Collection of Pacific and Arctic Voyages.
Christie's International Media Division
2005, cm.21x26,8, pp.121,(1), numerose ill. a uno e a 4 col.nt., brossura, cop.fig. [ottimo esemplare]
#199014Ultima copia
A Prominent European Collection of Greek - Part II of the Goodman Collection of Roman Republican - Extensive Offering of Roman Imperial - Nice Selection of Choice British Celtic Coinage.
Triton I
1997, cm.21,5x28, pp.408, oltre 2300 foto in minimale di cui alcune in 7 tavv. a col., brossura (piccoli segni d'uso.)
#207176Ultima copia
Judaica. Rare Books, Manuscripts, Documents, and Jewish Arts.
Judaica Jerusalem
2003, cm.21x27, pp.(22),350,(2), numerose foto in bn. e a col. nt., brossura, cop. fig. a colori.

Alcuni numeri appuntati a penna in II di copertina.

Usato, buono
#239093Ultima copia
Continental Books and Manuscripts, including Science and Medicine.
1997, cm.21x27, pp.137,(21), numerose foto e facsimile in bn. nt., brossura, cop. fig, Catalogue LN7731 "William".
Usato, molto buono
#239436Ultima copia