#243910 Bibliografia Bibliofilia Storia dell'editoria

A catalogue of printed books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library. Vol. I: Books printed before 1641.

CuratoreWith a foreword by Sir Henry Hallett Dale. Revised edition, with amendments from the library`s working copies.
EditoreMartino Publishing.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.22,5x30, pp.XV, 407, hardcover. Limited to 400 copies.
AbstractVol. I of this catalogue contains 6,959 items, including a supplement of 131 items (containing great rarities). In each item are given biographical dates of the authors, a brief collation of pages, the presence of plates, woodcuts, portraits and tables. Brief references are given to the incunabula . The year 1641 has been chosen because it coincides approximately with the decline of classical an mediaeval ideas and the beginning of modern scientific.".
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EUR 33.00
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