#260520 Storia Contemporanea Seconda Guerra Mondiale

The Catholic Church And Nazi Germany.

EditoreDa Capo Press.
Data di pubbl.
Dettagli cm.14x21, pp.450, softcover.
Abstract”The subject matter of this book is controversial,” Guenter Lewy states plainly in his preface. To show the German Catholic Church's congeniality with some of the goals of National Socialism and its gradual entrapment in Nazi policies and programs, Lewy describes the episcopate's support of Hitler's expansionist policies and its failures to speak out on the persecution of the Jews. To this tragic history Lewy brings new focus and research, illuminating one of the darkest corners of our century with scholarship and intellectual honesty in a riveting, and often painful, narrative.
CondizioniUsato, molto buono
EUR 13.00
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I nazisti e la Chiesa.
I nazisti e la Chiesa.
Il Saggiatore
1965, cm.15,5x21, pp.516, brossura Coll.Biblioteca di Storia Contemporanea,3.
#101592 copie
The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany.
Weidenfeld and Nicolson
1964, cm.14x22, pp.XVI,416, legatura ed. in tutta tela nera, titoli in oro al dorso, sopraccoperta fig. a 2 colori. First edition.

Piccola lacuna e alcuni strappetti di lieve entità al margine sup. della sopraccoperta.

Usato, molto buono
#245930Ultima copia